2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My Media Product is a fictcious action/war film set in the 1990's. The protagonist is a cold war veteran, as are some of the other characters (Including the antagonists). Major Tom could be likened to a gangster in that he represents values such as respect, loyalty, affluence and family commitment. Capitalist ideology is implied in the subject matter that he discusses. From the name 'Major Tom' we can see that he has worked through the ranks of the army. This represents a familiarity with heirachies.
Our Film explores the transition from the military world to the business world, and how the ethics and politics translate from one to the other. In some ways, Major Tom could be compared to gangsters in films such as The Godfather. Loyalty factors heavily into his decicions and he will use any means to get a job done. In contrast to many gangster roles from other films, Major Tom's motives are alteristic.
Our Film explores the transition from the military world to the business world, and how the ethics and politics translate from one to the other. In some ways, Major Tom could be compared to gangsters in films such as The Godfather. Loyalty factors heavily into his decicions and he will use any means to get a job done. In contrast to many gangster roles from other films, Major Tom's motives are alteristic.
In terms of who might produce my media product, there are three specific production companies I was considering as candidates to produce my film. Two of them are major production companies whereas the other is an independent company. One of the two major production companies would be 'Sony Pictures' because they are currently producing action films such as Men in Black III. It is also plausible for my product to be produced by 'Warner Bros' because they are famous for producing action films (e.g. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Matrix Trilogy). The third candidate is 'Studio Canal', an independant French company, which recently produced 'Tinker Tailor Solider Spy' which parrellels my film in that the cold war is a prominent theme.
These are also some of the Distribution Companies that could distribute my film and advertise it. I feel that either Sony Pictures or StudioCanal UK would produce and distribute my film, due to the films they have previously worked with or are in the process of making. Sony Pictures are working on the films Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon; all of which are incredibly similar to my film. StudioCanal UK recently produced and distributed Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy, which has a lot in common with my film. An example of this would be the way that villainous conduct is carried out by charracters used to millitary discipline.
Most companies (as shown in the images below) have many different variations of their own logo to represent the styles of the different films they release. This could be done with my own logo, or the production companies (if they were to distribute my film) could create their own variation of their logo.